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Free Books!

Be one of my Advance Team, and get free books

Here’s a little Amazon ‘Catch 22’ situation:

To get people to buy your books on Amazon, you need lots of reviews (it’s understandable – I myself like to see several reviews before I buy something).

However, in order to get reviews on Amazon, you need to have people buying your books.

You see the problem.

So, I am asking for a little assistance.  You can help in one or two ways:

Firstly, if you’ve already bought and read one (or more) of my books, then please head over to my Amazon page , click on the book you’ve read, and leave a review.

Secondly, you could become one of my Advance Team.  This means that you get my new book (and any other subsequent books) on pdf for free before it is officially published.  In return, I just ask that on or soon after the publication date (which will be sent to you), you leave a review on Amazon for the new book to help with the sales process.  To put your name on the list, just send me an email at rosbott59@gmail.com, and ask to be put on my Advance Team.  My new book, Legacies, which should be out by summer, will be sent to you electronically as soon as it is ready.

Thank you so much!

Isobel Brite